Lets take a moment to look at it and all its glory
Every morning I had the pleasure of waking up to this (Thanks God). Honestly the short time I was there you guys, I found my forever home, and my forever family. Due to this I plan on telling my story in installments by the three different YoungLife ministries I got to serve.
Week 1- YoungLives (Teen Mothers and their absolutely beautiful babies.)
Week 2- Capernaum (Our friends with disabilities )
Week 3&4 - WyldLife (Middle School Kids)
So in all honesty I got to serve God with some of the most amazing people for the most amazing people. So stay tuned! I will do my first post about week with YoungLives.
Picture of most of the girls before we all left. (we were balling) |
MABRY- My amazing Summer Staff Prayer Partner. Love her lots.
Not everyone, but some of the servers. Love these guys! |
It Takes All Kinds Of Kinds
- Miranda Lambert
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/alyssaajarae
Polyvore: http://alyssajarae.polyvore.com/
Instagram: alyssajarae