Y'all! I hope you are enjoying this wonderful fall weather, I know I sure am. Guys
also sorry for not posting, I’ve been having difficulties with Blogger lately.
Now that I got my blog fixed I am ready for the next installment of my Work
Crew story. If you are new to the blog here is part one. (Welcome)
As a Young Life kid, I have always loved
camp; from cabin time, to crud wars, to even the little chipmunks at Crooked
creek Ranch camp was always THE BEST WEEK OF MY LIFE as promised. Usually Young
Life in my area goes to four different camps:
- Freshman Beach Trip (Awesome)
- Polar Bear (Our Awesome Winter Camp held every year)
- Crooked Creek/Sharptop (Sophomores-Seniors)
- And WILDERNESS (Last HooRah before College for Seniors/Juniors)
The summer before my junior year I went to camp at Crooked
Creek. I actually ended up running into an old friend from middle school who
was doing work crew the same session we were there. This was crazy enough in
its self but before talking to him I honestly didn’t know what Work Crew was.
After many questions and talking to a close friend at school who did Work Crew
at Malibu I made up my mind that I HAD TO APPLY! If I am being honest I was terrified
to try because it was a whole month away and I had the fear of not fitting in
with my other people on WC.
It took about 8 months to find out if I got a spot at a camp,
this is not normal. Long story short my application got lost and I waited until
May to talk to my area director about it. (Now that I am looking back the “losing”
of my application was defiantly a god thing. ) One night I got a call from my
area director saying “Hey, I have two
spots I found for you Washington Family Ranch and Rockbridge in Virginia and I
need you to pick which one soon” Immediately,
I felt something telling me that Rockbridge should be the place I spend a majority
of my august.
I left on July 29th . Did I mention this was my
first time flying on a plane, or traveling alone! It was an awesome experience.
I thought I was just going to be serving god, having some fun but nothing to
great. Boy was I wrong. By the end of the session I had this new family, a
whole entire group of brothers and sisters in Christ. We cried, laughed, worked
and did everything together. As of now I have been back home for almost three
months and there has not been one day that I don’t go without talking to my
work crew family in our groupme. I can honestly say I made some lifelong
P.S- We are already having a reunion (we loved each other
that much)
Next part will be on Week 1 of Work Crew.
The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Provebs 16:9
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/alyssaajarae
Polyvore: http://alyssajarae.polyvore.com/
Instagram: alyssajarae